Saturday, June 18, 2011

Norm Wakefield

Well, we're at a homeschool conference in Denver, CO, and I really liked this message. I'm not sure how many of my followers homeschool, but I think we can all profit from what he says. Most of it at least. Tell me what you think!

Norm Wakefield - Reality Check: It ain't about you! 

Philippians -all of 1,2, & 3!-   >Phil. 2:29&30<

Reality Check! It's all about Jesus! It's not about you!  

When people argue, one or more of them have the mindset that this is about me.

Is Christ rippling through us? is God working in you?Philippians 2:1 if He is, you will have experienced these things.

Phil. 1:27 only means only! We should do everything with a focus of Christ. The purpose homeschooling should be Jesus Christ.

The one purpose of the church is to glorify Jesus Christ.

There is a beast in you that wants to control your life. To be selfish. To be God. Don't let him! We will never live in a manner worthy of the gospel if we are living for ourselves. 

If homeschooling is about us, we will not reach out to a lost and dying world. satan knows that. So he tryes to distract us. Phil. 2:3 

We need to wake up and think, how can I help my mom? My siblings. My dad. My family. We need to be servants like Jesus was. 

**The Antichrist is a beast within us that wants to control our lives.**

**The mark of the beast isnt a real physical mark. It's evils working in you to contol your thought and actions. You think in your head and act with your hands.** Then how are we not allowed to buy and sell??

Jesus was consumed with Gods interests:
1. He emptied himself.
2. He humbled Himself to serve.
3. He willingly bore our sins.

The gospel mindset:
1. Empty yourself.
2. Humble Self to serve.
3. Willingly bear the sins of others. *7x70* 

Timothys example. Philippians 2:19-22
Teens- If you're not living for the interests of your mom and dad, it's just religious talk. Wake up!

Living in a manner worthy of the gospel is how to know Jesus. Living in a manner worthy of the gospel results in life! 

If you are a real Christian, you want people to see Christ rippling though you.You want them to see the gospel inside of you.

Reality Check!
1. Do you realize the power of your life?
2. Are you a participant in the gospel?
3. Are you living worthy of the gospel? Phil. 1:27
4. Have you realized that living for self is anti-Christ?
5. Do you have a gospel mindset?
6. Are you obeying the gospel?
7. Will you be an example?

The UN-gospel mindset: 

Put your iTouches on silent! Lol! :D

** I'm not sure I agree with this, but he said it. 

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