Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Baby Ducks, Turkeys, and Chicks

So the other day Kailey got an order of chicks in the mail. Amazingly, every one of them survived the trip. We usually lose on or two. :( But not this time. As you can see, Ronan is petting one of the duckies.

The ducks were on one side of the box, and the turkeys and chicks were on the other. The big yellow ones are turkeys and the little grayish ones are chicks.

Well, since the shower in our basement doesn't work, that's where we put them. :) They get along quite nicely down there and don't bother Mom much.

The turkeys were curious little things. One even tried to peck the camera. Bad boy! (Well, I think it's a boy.)

I don't know what kind of duck this is, but it's cute. I really like his speckles. :)

And there is a black duck keeping watch on the food tray. He sees a turkey invader and prepares to fight. :)

And here we have a bantam frizzle chick. I think that's what he is anyway. Bantam means he's like a mini. I think he looks very determined. For what I'm not sure. But still. LOL :)


~ Katie ~ said...

Now I want one! :) the cat under our porch had kittens but we're not allowed to keep them. :'( you are lucky to have all these animals. :D

Riley S. said...

Aww. That's horribly cruel. :'( Ya, I am. They're a chore though. lol

lauren said...

they are adorable. we had chickens a couple of years ago and might have some next year. btw, I like your new blog.

Anonymous said...

They are so cute!!!

Riley S. said...

Thanks Haley!
Yes, they are, Annabel! :)