About Me

Hey! My name is Riley Wayne Shay. I am 15 years old and in 9th grade. My birthday is September 16, 1996 and my favorite bible verse is Exodus 9:16. In case you didn't catch it, that verse is also my birthverse. :)

I have brown hair, blue eyes with a green circles around the pupils, and 6 siblings. ;) Check my family page to learn more about them.

My favorite hobbies mainly include guitar playing and photography. Although I do enjoy playing all kinds of games with my siblings and reading. Some people don't like reading, but I absolutely love a good, christian, NON-romantic book.

 And that brings up one other topic I have a very strong position on: dating. I think it is totally fine if both people are ready for marriage, but if they aren't they're just wasting time. What if they focused on growing in their relationship with God and serving Him, not worrying about what the other person was thinking? That's just my humble opinion. Though I will argue for hours if you wanna debate it. ;)

I also really enjoy hunting. Pheasant huntin' is the best, but deer hunting is fun too. This is a picture of my first buck. He was a 5x5 whitetail that I got the winter of 2010. I shot him with my 243. And if it looks like I have glasses, I don't.
 I'm also a very, very picky eater. I do love chocolate, but anything (except pizza) with tomato sauce is disgusting! Horrid, horrid stuff.  And boudin looks really nasty, though I've never tried it. I don't plan on it either. ;) 

My favorite songs are Until the Whole World Hears by Casting Crowns and Crazy Love by Hawk Nelson. Many, many of my favorite songs will get posted on this blog before long. Don't worry.

You can't really tell in the picture above, but I need braces. My two "shark teeth" on top are coming in crooked. :( We're investigating invisalign and I hope it works for me. But I might need braces. If I do, I'm trying to decide if I should get them colored. . .It would be orange and green if I do get colors. What do you guys think?

My favorite books are I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Josh Harris and Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. 

My favorite movies are Pirates of the Caribbean and Lord of the Rings. Blindside and Facing the Giants are really good ones too.

I live on a ranch in Kansas, just a few miles outside of St.Francis. And right now I will clarify, there is a huge difference between a ranch and a farm!! A ranch is where you grow cows, an' a farm is where you grow crops. I am no farmer!! Lol. I like my cows. As long as they aren't P31's. (P31 was a really, really mean cow that chased me. She tried to eat me once but I ran away. And I'm absolutely sure her eyes turned red, but no one believes me.)

And I'm very slow at maturing. I'm 14 years old an' only 5' 2". I only weigh about 100 lbs. But my dad's brother is over 6' so I still have hope. And my dad's sister's husband is over 6' 5" if that means anything.

Anyway, that's me. If you think I missed anything or want to talk, email me at rilwywshay@hotmail.com. Thanks for your time! He is Risen!!