Wednesday, June 15, 2011

HeyHey and Baby Ryder

Hey, Guys! Sorry I haven't been posting near as much as I should. I've been really busy working for my grandmother. She is a fireworks distributor and needs some help pricing, packing, and carrying boxes. I also help my dad with our cows, and I do chores for the Goat Lady when she is gone. Point being, I've been really busy and I will try to post more often. Thanks all! :)

I admit, this is a absolutely horrible picture because I had to take it on my phone. I have a touch screen one that calls people when you put it in your pocket. I want a new slide keyboard or maybe a phone with a folding keyboard. But not a touch! I digress. Anyway, I just thought this picture was so cute I had to show it to you. That's a balloon in his shirt and I did that at church this Sunday. Hehehehe!! ;)

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