Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Pictures!!! :)

Here we are. These of course took forever to take. And even longer to decide which one to use. Sometime I'm gonna have to post all our bloopers. :) Of course I don't have any. I always look nice and respectable. :) haha Just kidding. :) And for those of you who don't know us (or just forget who is who) from left to right is Mom, Ryder, Ronan, Rhett, Rayden, Reid, Kailey, me, and Dad. :) For our ages and all that good stuff check out my Family page.

And here are just the kids. As you can see Ryder was in a wonderful mood. ;)


Anonymous said...

All the boys are very handsome in their matching shirts! Kailey is REALLY PRETTY!!!

Riley S. said...

Haha I'll tell her that! :) Thanks!