Sunday, December 4, 2011

More Snow

Wow I'm getting tired of it already. It's so cold! It's supposed to be cold for quite a few days now. Below freezing most days. Brrrrrr. But our summers arent too hot so I guess that's what we get.

Kit-Kat's doin' pretty good. Growin' like a weed. I'm not sure how well she likes the snow. Not too well I'm guessing since she always want to come inside. But she can sit and is learning to play fetch. The hard part is getting her to bring the ball back all the way. But once she wants it thrown again and not just a treat I'm sure she won't have  problem with that.

How are all of you guys doin'? What have you been up to?


Evie said...

I live in Florida, I dunno if you have already posted pictures of snow, but if not I'd appreciate it.

Riley S. said...

Click the link below for some. You might have seen them already though. But, rest assured, and Lord willing, I'll get ya s'more. :)

Riley S. said...

Actually you'll probably have to copy the link and then paste it in yer browser. I'd make it a link but I cant in the comments.