Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Kit-Kat has turned over a new leaf in her life. Now she bites and chews anything and everything she can get her greedy lil' paws on. And it hurts. It is very painful. I dont know how im going to survive. Maybe cuz she's so cute. Its hard to be mad at her even when she bites. But we have given her the nickname piranha. :)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

LOVE YOUR BLOG RI!!! that comment enough? hehe :p

Anonymous said...

Don't you dare tape that poor dog's mouth!!! I'll come and take her away!!!!ROAR!!!

Riley S. said...

Yup! Thanks! Lol

Hehehehe youll have to find me first! Muhahahaha!

Anonymous said...

I bet I could find you very easy. I know your siblings. LOL!!!!

Riley S. said...

Hahaha yes im sure they are a great disadvantage to me lol :)

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! How old is Kit-Kat?

Riley S. said...

She was 8 weeks on the 4th of November. :) growin like a weed!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Thats AWESOME!!!!