Tuesday, November 8, 2011

More blah blah blah

So preg checking went well. We got about 1/3 of our cows done and branded too. It took awhile. But we got them done so i feel better now. :)

We also had out fall bull yesterday. It went pretty well although the drought in Texas and Oklahoma might have affected it a little bit. We had a postsale meeting i got to go to and the food was great! :) i love steak!

And on saturday we had an auction. It was a lot of fun. We sold some farm equipment, household items, and some old tractors. I guess old tractors are farm equipment, arent they? :) We also had a few pickups for sale and i bought one! :) Yay! I'll post some pics and details later Lord willing. :)


Anonymous said...

Yeah! I can't wait to see more pictures. You need to put more up of you. I think you should to a blog and ask would you rather have pictures on me or Kit-Kat LOL!!!!!

Riley S. said...

Haha im sure everyone would wants Killer-Kats pics lol :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Prolly!!!! lol like the nick name

Riley S. said...

Yeah me too, our hired man Rio came up with that one. But shes called piranha, kit, kitkat, killerkat, mutt, puppy, and Ryder calls her puy. Like puppy but without the pp. Lol :)