Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Please comment everyone. I love to hear from you! :)


Hannah said...

Hey Riley!
I kind of stalk your blog - but not in a weird way. I think I found you through the Rebelution forums.

Anyway, I just wanted to encourage you to keep up the good work. I love hearing about Kit-Kat and reading the verses you put up on your blog. God has used those verses to encourage me and speak to me several times. You are doing one amazing, bold thing, Riley. Thanks so much!


Riley S. said...

That's awesome! I wish everyone stalked my blog. :)

And I am very glad that the verses I post speak to you. I often wonder if they do... But thank you so much for your comment :). And thanks for reading!!

Junior Josie said...

I'm kind of like Hannah... I read your blog but don't comment very much. Sorry!
I enjoy the pictures, stories, and verses you post!

Riley S. said...

Its okay! :)
And that's awesome! :)

Anonymous said...

I am sooo glad that you kept your blog. Even tho we keep in touch other ways its still good to know how everything/one is doing. Will u be posting more pictures?

Riley S. said...

Yes, i will try to post more pictures. Its kinda hard because i cant load pictures from my ipad, and most of our computers are broken. But ill try to get some up here. :)

Anonymous said...
