Thursday, October 13, 2011

More Kit-Kat!! :D

These are Kit-Kat's 5 week old pictures. I think she is SO cute!! Who agrees?! :)

So we just arranged for Kit-Kat to come home with a friend of ours on the 19th and I am SO excited!! We went to walmart and orchelyns farm and home and I got her a ton of treats and toys and I even found a CAMO dog bed on sale!! :D She might be a little bit spoiled... But hey she's gonna be special so she can be a bit spoiled. She won't get away with disobeying though so she won't be spoiled rotten. :)


Anonymous said...

so cute!!! you are so lucky!! does she bite?

~ Katie ~ said...

I realllyyy wanna puppy now haha, but you already knew that. ;)

Riley S. said...

@Katie, haha yes i did know that. And havent you always wanted a puppy?

@Deckie i dont think so, but she isnt here yet so im not sure. Cute profile pic btw. :)

~ Katie ~ said...

Lol I have. I love puppies.

Riley S. said...

I dont blame you. I love 'em too! :) Especially this one tho! :) lol