Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Kit-Kat Pics!! :)

So here she is. Adorable, no? :) Funny thing is she would rather sleep on the floor than on my lap. But right now she is half on her bed and half on the floor.

I think this one is funny. She's tied to the office chair because that's where I was working on my schoolwork. She doesnt really like that all the time. But anything within her reach is chewed up or at least an attempt to chew it to bits is made. Which is not good for all the kids toys left on the floor. hehehe :)

I think she's so cute! But, boy, she knows how to push my buttons!

Now she's all the way out of bed. :) And was at my feet but I had to leave her to get the camera. Sorry it took so long to get these pics up here. We've been really, really busy. And I've been exausted from getting up at 2 AM to take her outside. Puppies are cute, but if they are inside dogs they are a LOT of work.


lauren said...

she is so dang cute!!

Riley S. said...

Thank you. :). Ill have to agree with you. :)

lauren said...

but not as cute as my kitten!!
well actually he's a dead cat now but that's besides the point.

Riley S. said...

Awh. :( sorry.

lauren said...

pft, puppies are cuter than dead cats.

Anonymous said...

You have to enter the top one in the Fair it is really good. I love it.