Saturday, October 15, 2011

Just got done working calves! :)

Today we just finished working 110 calves. We did 160 head on Monday. We're weaning them to. So what we do is first get the fourwheelers and get them all in the pen. That can take a little while. Then we sort the cows from the calves. The cows go out of the pen into the pasture and the calves stay inside the pen and are worked. To work them we run them up into the shute. Then we weigh them. Some will need new tags, all will need tatooed (in the ear. That way if the tag falls out we still know what number they are.), and we pour them with some pour on liquid. Im not sure why. Ill have to ask about that. :) And they all get vaccinated as well. Then the calves get out on one side of the fence and the cows on the other so the calves cant nurse. Then before long they're weaned! :)


lauren said...

sounds neat. did you steal my comment rules? I just dropped by cause I read my guest book and you had left a not a long time ago.

Riley S. said...

Cool! :) and no i saw them somewhere but im positive i changed something. :) lol

Kaileyanne said...

That's just like you Riley!! :)