Thursday, August 11, 2011

Blah Blah Blah.....

Hey everyone. I'm really bored so I've come here to ramble. All you dedicated followers don't have to read all this if you don't want to. ;)

School. I love school. Well, some of it. I won't be starting for another two weeks or so, but I wish I could start right now. Summer is fun, but it is also extremely boring. And hot. I don't like hot. But i guess it's way better than snow. I only like snow on christmas and the wet snows in the beggining of the year. I dont like the dry snow that doesn't make very good snowballs. But anyway, I can't wait til school starts. I am SO looking forward to Spanish class. And physical science. But I'm dreading grammar and writing with a passion. I hate grammar and writing. Plus I stink at it. If I pass the class with a B I'll be happy, although I'd like to get all A's this year. By the way, I'm going into 9th grade. I'll be in Algebra 1 for math. I'm okay with that. I do't really like math a whole lot, but it's way better than english or grammar or writing or language arts or whatever you wanna call it.

Well, I better go find somethin' to do. Bye!!! :)

<>< Exodus 9:16 ><>

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