Sunday, May 15, 2011


I have just discovered, to my great dismay, that both the camera I share with my mom and my mother's camera are both unable to be used. My mom's big cannon with interchangeable lenses is broken (no thanks to Ronan). And Kwi (my sister Kailey) has "misplaced" the little canon. Thus I am left with a new bottle calf ready to be photographed, and nothin' at all to photograph her with! :( Though I will leave you with a cliffhanger. I have named my new, brown, and female bottle calf . . .(drumroll). . . MM. Can you guys guess what MM stands for? And why I call her MM? :)


Junior Josie said...

Uh... Milk Machine? Miss Milk? Miss Moo? I can't guess.
Nice blog, by the way!

Riley S. said...

Good guesses, but no. :) Thank you. Where do you think it can improve?

Junior Josie said...

Are you going to tell sometime or leave everyone hanging? Or make them keep guessing? =)

As for improving... hmm... looks pretty good to me, although the white writing is a bit hard to read. That could just be my bad eyes though. =P

Is there anywhere on here to comment on the other pages(About Me, etc...)?

Riley S. said...

I'm gonna leave you hanging for a little while longer. lol

Okay. . .What color do you think would be better? I did notice that but black is worse cuz it blends in with the cracks in the wood. hmm. Thanks for telling me though. . .

I've looked and I can't find any way to do it. You can email me or just say it in a comment on a main post. Sorry, again.

Junior Josie said...

Oh. Fine then. =P

Maybe a brighter color would work better? Maybe some sort of green? Hmmm... I don't really know. The white is okay if you don't want to change it! =)

Okay, that's all right, no need to apologize! =)
Yup, I agree with you on all those things you said. And yeah, there is indeed a great difference between ranching and farming! But what about people who do both?

Riley S. said...

I guess they just call themselves whatever they like to do more. lol

Junior Josie said...

Yeah, I reckon so...