Wednesday, May 25, 2011

On the Way Home

Well, we were on our way out of Rapid City, South Dakota, when we found this house. It's not a great picture at all but I jus' had to show it to you anyway. :)

We took a side road that was really, really pretty. The views were awesome. Along the way we found this gift shop and decided to go in real quick. They had all kinds of cool dinosaur stuff and fossils. I found the coolest pocket knife in there. I just HAD to have it! It is camo and it has a black blade. I perfer pocket knives with thumb tabs, but this one is cool enough without it.

Somewhere along the way home we drove by this pasture that had experienced a fire not too long ago. I thought it was cool. Also notice the natural rock tower up there.

Here I was messing around with Mom's camera again. This was the Toy Camera effect.

Rayden didn't really want this to go up on the blog, but he never said it couldn't. This is the Fish Bowl effect. :D

And it was raining on the way home. I thought this one look pretty neat.

I really love this one. Toy Camera effect with a road, house, traffic sign, and clouds. What could be better?

We stopped in Nebraska to go to Cabela's but they were already closed because it was Sunday. I was okay with it cause I was sick and didn't want to roam around in there for hours feelin' queasy. So we went to a nearby lake (in the city still) and fed these ducks some bread. I was using Super Vivid here. :)

And there were some baby geese too! They had a little peninsula thing and there was a whole flock of geese out there. Again, I was on Super Vivid. LOL

And here is one more Super Vivid of the ducks. I think this one is pretty awesome too. :)


~ Katie ~ said...

Haha about the pink house...Mom says to tell you up here in the country we say 'someone French lives there.' :P
I love the one with the rain on the window, that's really cool. :)

Riley S. said...

lol! Ya. Probably. :D

Thanks. I was bored. ;)