Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mice and Ryder

So when we were weedin' in the garden we stumbled upon this mouse nest. We accidentally broke it and mice ran everywhere. Poor things were scared to death.

This is one of three baby mice we captured and put in a five gallon bucket. It was kinda dirty from hauling fertilizer (not from the store LOL) but the mice didn't mind.

Here is Reid, Kwi (Kailey), and Ronan inspecting their captives.

Kwi was holding one baby mouse right before we let them go. As you can see, she still has her WaTiki bands on. :) She let Ronan and Rayden pet the mouse before she let it go, but I didn't get any good pics.

There he is. Crawling back to freedom. Their mom didn't go very far, so we hope she came back for them. We didn't even see their nest until it was too late. Poor things. :(

Here is Ryder standing in Mom's flowerbed. It's kinda not working real well because the plants won't grow. But me an' Ryder are okay with that. ;) He was sitting on that rock and looking so cute.

And here is Ryder again. Yes, our playhouse is broken in half (it wasn't my fault!) but we don't use it much anyway. Ryder is the only one that has fun with it. I just had to post this because of his little face. :)


~ Katie ~ said...

Ryder is so cute! The mice are cute in the pictures but...you wouldn't want them in your house. ;) I know. I like the one of the mouse crawling back to freedom.

Riley S. said...

lol Yes. No mice in the house, but Ryder can come in. :) Me too. The lighting was kinda weird though. . .But still cool. :)

~ Katie ~ said...

And I thought of my siblings when I saw the playhouse... ;)