Monday, May 23, 2011

Mess Maker (MM)

This is Mess Makes, or MM for short. These aren't the best pictures, but they're all I've got. She is about a month old and a heifer calf. I bought her about a week ago.

I have named her MM because when I fed her for the first time she pulled the nipple off her bottle of milk and spilled about a quarter of it all over the place. And I don't use milk from a cow or milk from the store for her. ;) We buy bags of cream colored powder, called milk replacer, and mix it with warm water. If you guys want pics of how I make bottles, leave a comment. :)


~ Katie ~ said...

I love your calf! So cute! Call her M&M though. :D

Riley S. said...

Thank you. :) I thought about calling her M&M, but it just didn't fit. It's weird. MM seemed to fit her better. I don't know why though. LOL

Kailey S. said...

I wanna see pics of me maken a bottle!!LOL ;)

Riley S. said...

Hey! Why don't you make the next bottle for MM and I'll take pics of you. Then you can put it on your blog. :)