Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mice and Ryder

So when we were weedin' in the garden we stumbled upon this mouse nest. We accidentally broke it and mice ran everywhere. Poor things were scared to death.

This is one of three baby mice we captured and put in a five gallon bucket. It was kinda dirty from hauling fertilizer (not from the store LOL) but the mice didn't mind.

Here is Reid, Kwi (Kailey), and Ronan inspecting their captives.

Kwi was holding one baby mouse right before we let them go. As you can see, she still has her WaTiki bands on. :) She let Ronan and Rayden pet the mouse before she let it go, but I didn't get any good pics.

There he is. Crawling back to freedom. Their mom didn't go very far, so we hope she came back for them. We didn't even see their nest until it was too late. Poor things. :(

Here is Ryder standing in Mom's flowerbed. It's kinda not working real well because the plants won't grow. But me an' Ryder are okay with that. ;) He was sitting on that rock and looking so cute.

And here is Ryder again. Yes, our playhouse is broken in half (it wasn't my fault!) but we don't use it much anyway. Ryder is the only one that has fun with it. I just had to post this because of his little face. :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.

~Jim Elliot

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Hey guys! I just want to thank Farm Kid for helping me get my button and setting up some stuff for me. If you want my button, just scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the correct button. :)

Clouds and Kids

So a few days ago we went over to Nana and Papa's house. They live about 35 miles away from our place. On the way I saw these clouds and thought it would make a great picture. I think it turned out well.

And on the way I took this picture of Reid. His head sort of looks like a bubble, no? I was using the Fish Bowl effect. ;)

And here is Ronan, refusing to let me take  picture of him. Well, I did. :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

On the Way Home

Well, we were on our way out of Rapid City, South Dakota, when we found this house. It's not a great picture at all but I jus' had to show it to you anyway. :)

We took a side road that was really, really pretty. The views were awesome. Along the way we found this gift shop and decided to go in real quick. They had all kinds of cool dinosaur stuff and fossils. I found the coolest pocket knife in there. I just HAD to have it! It is camo and it has a black blade. I perfer pocket knives with thumb tabs, but this one is cool enough without it.

Somewhere along the way home we drove by this pasture that had experienced a fire not too long ago. I thought it was cool. Also notice the natural rock tower up there.

Here I was messing around with Mom's camera again. This was the Toy Camera effect.

Rayden didn't really want this to go up on the blog, but he never said it couldn't. This is the Fish Bowl effect. :D

And it was raining on the way home. I thought this one look pretty neat.

I really love this one. Toy Camera effect with a road, house, traffic sign, and clouds. What could be better?

We stopped in Nebraska to go to Cabela's but they were already closed because it was Sunday. I was okay with it cause I was sick and didn't want to roam around in there for hours feelin' queasy. So we went to a nearby lake (in the city still) and fed these ducks some bread. I was using Super Vivid here. :)

And there were some baby geese too! They had a little peninsula thing and there was a whole flock of geese out there. Again, I was on Super Vivid. LOL

And here is one more Super Vivid of the ducks. I think this one is pretty awesome too. :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Email Updates!

If you'd like to follow my blog by email, please enter your email address on the left just under my profile. It should send you an email ever time I update my blog. :)

WaTiki Waterpark

So this weekend we went to South Dakota to celebrate my great grandmother's 96th birthday. She lives in Kansas near us but her sister lives up there so we went to visit. They also have this really awesome waterpark called the WaTiki. That's Ronan (above) on the stairs to the pool.

There's Kailey and you can see Ronan in the background. Mom (finally!!) got a new camera so that's why it's black and white.

Here is Rhett in the Lazy River. It's a lot of fun and it has a really slow current. It's only a few feet deep, and Rhett loved it. He'd go around an' around over and over again. I went with him so many times I skinned my toe!!

Here is Kailey going down the SuperBowl. Man, this thing is awesome!!

I had to put this one up just 'cause of the look on her face. She was very relieved when she escaped getting flushed. lol

I call this slide the ToiletBowl because that's basically what it is! You go in, go round and round, then you get spit out. Kailey thinks it's bad and calls it the Tornado instead. Girls (sarcastic eye roll). lol

And here we have the lamp. I took this picture in the hotel room. You don't see any pics of me because Mom only had her camera working that morning, and I was sick that morning too. :( So I got left out that day, but I'm glad they had fun.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Mess Maker (MM)

This is Mess Makes, or MM for short. These aren't the best pictures, but they're all I've got. She is about a month old and a heifer calf. I bought her about a week ago.

I have named her MM because when I fed her for the first time she pulled the nipple off her bottle of milk and spilled about a quarter of it all over the place. And I don't use milk from a cow or milk from the store for her. ;) We buy bags of cream colored powder, called milk replacer, and mix it with warm water. If you guys want pics of how I make bottles, leave a comment. :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I have just discovered, to my great dismay, that both the camera I share with my mom and my mother's camera are both unable to be used. My mom's big cannon with interchangeable lenses is broken (no thanks to Ronan). And Kwi (my sister Kailey) has "misplaced" the little canon. Thus I am left with a new bottle calf ready to be photographed, and nothin' at all to photograph her with! :( Though I will leave you with a cliffhanger. I have named my new, brown, and female bottle calf . . .(drumroll). . . MM. Can you guys guess what MM stands for? And why I call her MM? :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hey Hey

Hey, guys! This blog is dedicated to sharing my family's adventures and glorifyin' God. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please email me at rileywshay@hotmail.com. I'm going to try and put up a few new pages (About me, my family, the gospel, ect.) as soon as I can. Also, I am going to try and start an email list. If you wish, you can send me your email address and name and I will email you every time I make a new post. I'll let you know when I'm ready to start this. :) I hope my stories, pictures, and random stuff inspire you and bring you joy! He is risen!